How much longer do you think this guy has?

Performed 60,000+ abortions in the last 2 decades… with all the pro life wackos out there do you think he will make it to the end of the year?

I think these people are all crazy. Reading about the guy who got shot point blank in church was crazy. This world is going crazyyyy

Meh, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
If you are against abortion , for every child that is going to be aborted, you should have to pay them 500,000 cash to fund that childs life, if you cant. Sit the fuck down and shut up.

Can’t we just take all the femenists and all the anti gun and abortion people, lock them all in a big room with soap and say its shower time?

60k? :eyebrow: I’m not sure that I believe that one guy performed over 8 abortions per day, each and every day, for 20 years.

I have no experience with this whole thing, but can’t he prescribe medication that does the work for an early stage abortion? That would be a quick way to make that number look alot higher if he handed out the meds

that abortion pill is serious shit, it has to be taken in a doc’s office and supervised so when scrambled eggs start shooting out of her she doesn’t hemmorhage to death. that and its only been legal for a few years.


+1, see you in hell. :wave:

I think there is a new custom title in there.

300 abortions everyday in New York alone.

abortions are going to happen whether they are legal or not. If they are legal at least our sisters, daughters, etc can have it done safely instead of in a back alley.

im usually good for causing 2-3 a month

better than 300 crackheads and 14 year olds becoming moms every day

had an ex drive a friend of hers to a clinic for a coathanger. it was a small office, one Dr and they were lined up in a dozen rooms at a time by nurses, it’s a racket, 8 a day is nothing, this place did dozens before lunch.

^ sad really with all the pills/shots/condoms readily available.

I’m going to start a class that teaches kids how to pull out.

10 years of unprotected sex under my belt and no little PureXTCs running around.


Odds must be in your favor when you only get laid once a year…


That’s kinda disgusting really. No wonder there’s so many activists against these places. Obviously abortion is like a routine for some of these sluts. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of them are on first name basis with the staff. Ruins it for the few that really made a mistake.

I now a single girl who has had over a dozen abortions…she’s a filthty piece of shit who’s just popping out kids now for welfare. so sad.

how the fuck do her parts still work?