how nice

well i guess here in lovely uptown mechanicville the local cops found a couple pipe bombs around cvs and advanced auto and its right around the corner from my house damn mexicans cant behave anywheres

dont you mean eckerd or rite aid or whatever the hell they are calling it now… mickeyville sucks more than my ex.

whatever it is now but yeah

One of the few times I went to Mechanicville was to look at a car. It ended up being at this trailer in the middle of nowhere and the guy who owned it was about 8 feet tall and 1000lbs. I was just waiting for that creepy kid from Deliverance to show up and play the song :runaway. Sketchy town for sure.

ther goes the neighborhood who the hell made them???

Atleast you dont live next to a Meth lab, that got raided last week.

So i went to my friends house on broadway in rotterdam, parked around the corner cuz the driveway and sidestreet were nothing but DEA and troopers, i get inside and find out that next door there was a meth lab. also there was another above CAPRI on broadway, just down the road. both are connected. so if they went boom. ya… like 20 people dead just from the 3 apartments thats next door.

you sure about that?

hahahah i had to. :lmao

wow me to :lmao

you have experience with my ex TOO? jesus shes nailed half of queens by now im sure… lets just say at thanksgiving she loved the dark meat.

wow/gross :idiots

:rofl but funny at the same time

not funny if you found out after you hooked up with her on christmas :crackup

you should probably get yourself checked out there buddy :rofl

nah… after what i thought was a mask on halloween i dropped her at x-gates and never went to pick her up…lol ask john… he went with me…lol

thats funny as hell that you did that to her, fuckin skanks

so what ur saying is she’s got more suet in her pipe’s than Santa got on his red suite?? :crackup

i figure I’d keep the holiday analogy’s going :nod

wow hank. wow


she def prefers the “non-kosher” meat at hannukah
