Watch 'till the very end, he sure knows how to pick the location, I thought highway was bad enough.
Watch 'till the very end, he sure knows how to pick the location, I thought highway was bad enough.
:crackup :haha WOW
hahahah how do u do that serously thats horrible
:crackup hahaha what a dumbass :haha :idiots
dude needs to buy some bigger jeans/shirt and put the pads underneath. looks like a damned storm trooper out of star wars
i thought at first it was going over the rail…that was awesome…
:+1 was waitin for it to what a buzzkill… but good none the least
here you go, that should make up for it
yeah that basically made up for the lack of carnage :rofl
did that really just happen?
its from final destination 3 i think
it’s from one of the Final Destinations, not sure if it’s 3…i think it might be 2
2, that scene makes the movie worthwhile.