How NOT to drive

Especially if you’re a 20 year old punk, who’s parents bought him a new GT-R.
On the up-side, we now have video proof of exactly what happens when a new driver is given a fast car. We won’t just be saying “it’s too much car for you”, we’ll be able to post a link! :smiley:

the gt-r guy was all over te place the whole time almost rear ended the evo at the start then locked the brakes up numerous times

The song was perfect. hahahahah

Such a sad video though…seriously though how the hell do you see anything at night?

HAHAHAHAHA… thats a big repair bill. it hurts to see a R35 hurt like this, but i have to laugh at how dumb these f***s are.


fucking bastards



I got dibs on brakes… I kid I kid :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^ i thought u already had taurus brakes?

all these people need to go to track days and get off the roads

OOOOOOOOOh, shit happens. that can happen to anybody on this site!!! He live and learn.

His driving lines appeared better than average, which is better than most on this forum.

At least he had a GTR…not that any of us could brag about.

^^ i got one, in my dreams thats why i am always happy to sleep!!
I wouldnt go home, i would have a plane ticket to GUAM!

haha i love how buddy tossin in a pic of his mint, uncrashed evo at the end.

salt in the wound

LMAO yeah, did a trailer almost back into it in yur dreams too? hahahahah

Mad fail on the driver’s part for not knowing how to handle his car properly or knowing the road before taking it on a road like that