and no, this isn’t the “snow tow” vid of the saturn’s rear bumper getting ripped off :hmm
OW :eek:
and no, this isn’t the “snow tow” vid of the saturn’s rear bumper getting ripped off :hmm
OW :eek:
SHITTT that was a bunta version too!
On a side note, I was in the same situation on a vacation in China when the car broke down and we had a truck tow it, but the driver stupidly took the keys out of the ignition and proceeded to steer with it. Down the ditch we go and nearly flipped over… lol
oh no! not the bunta version! 45444
what’s a bunta version?
ohh man that sucks !!!tha suv guy was goin’ way 2 fast!:drivin
pwnt! will make them think twice to pulling shit like that again
Meh, almost as common as the Saturn incident.
–Gave me chills, as it looked like the dude steering had a seizure or went into shock…
lol. thats how we usually tow cars in asia. i’ve done that a couple of time already for my pals with my turbo diesel auv.