How old are you?

Wondering what the demographic around here looks like these days.

Incoming pole.

Are you sure you want to do this Fry? You might regret this…

Old enough to party.

I like to party

lol its 34+ now few years its going to be 40+



20 but joined when 17 been around since 15


is there a 40+ category lol

should revise poll to 31-40 41-50 give a little better idea for the 34+ crew as im sure there are alot :slight_smile:

So far there are 2. Your argument is invalid.

  1. been here a few years

25, will be 26 soon

thats bc all the older people are either at work or taking (There, They’re, and Their) afternoon nap…

Where’s the BlueEyedDevil option?

Bastard! :wink:

haha thx, i think this is the most messed up word on Nyspeed