It’s fun to vote to give away money until you reach that point in your life/career that it’s your own money you’re voting to give away.
20, act like a 10 yr old and feel like a 60 yr old.
Fuck the bullshit.
I feel bad for the first girl that votes under 18
why do I feel like we’ve done this before, a few times even
Is it wrong that im the only 21 year old who understands this concept. I dont have the best grasp on politics, thats for sure, but I have trouble understanding how anyone who makes over 40k a year votes blue other than a possible firm moral ground or something. This applies especially when it comes to Obama.
We have. Probably I have. But people come and go. Things change.
If only it were that simple. But we have a whole forum for political debate.
Not touching that one, wrong place wrong time.
Well I know it hasn’t been that simple in the past, but regarding this last election, Obama made it pretty clear cut that he was the new Robin Hood so what am I missing then?
But yeah nm, we do have a forum for this lol.
16, 17 in November
you cant even drive past nine.
Joe and Fry, please feel free to PM why you lean the way you lean? Seriously, I wont debate it, I just want to understand why two guys who presumably make ok money for their age, back up a person who will deprive you of much of the hard work you have put in the last 2X years of your life.
sometimes it comes down to the lesser of two evils though…
How about it was a fucking joke and it was funny none-the-less.
I hate political discussions but I agree with you.
I am 24, college educated, single, and paying back my student loans while working full time. I have health insurance becuase I went to school and got a good job. The way the country is going from giving people the ability for the pursuit of happiness to come here and we give you shit for free has pissed me off since I started getting a real paycheck and have to support useless people in society who don’t work, have kids they can’t afford, dont want to work but want healthcare, etc.
I work 8 hours a day and almost 3.5 of those hours go to taxes and paying for these piece of shit programs. The only reason I did support Obama becuase McCain is a fucking idiot and Obama at least may have helped the country somehow. I am waiting to see a full blown revolution in our lifetime. Someone is gonna snap eventually if this keeps u p.
take the politics eleswhere, jerks
I am 24
One side wants to subsidize the poor. The other wants to subsidize the rich. Either way, they’re both going to take your money.
You guys got to be kidding.
I wonder where you will stand when you start climbing the company latter…
Ill shut up now however in respect to the topic.
holy shit how did this go from your age to politics. wtf.