How old were you when you first had sex?

yeah, dead serious my dad was chill as hell she was like 30 or suttin …maybe thats why i still like the older bitches .they know whats up

9, with my grandma, she wanted to teach me the ropes

nice, pics of said gramma

she taught me everything, including reverse cowgirl

i wonder if she is willin to stick her finger in my ass when she hums cum all ya faithfull

17, 29 now, and have had about 7 girls a year on average since then.


18 yo

I was 16. Holy shit some of you guys at 14? Thats fukin insane! My daughters 4 now, I dont want to hear this shit!


I liked this girl… She fucked me over…

Next day I skipped school and fucked her best friend.

Dude i think about that all the time!!!:ohnoes
m,y oldest girl is 15 this year and my youngest daughter 9, the boy that don’t bother me though . why is that?

Youve got 3 kids? I didnt know that because Ive only seen the younger daughter and your son.

oh boy ,watch it …paul will be over wantin to know if he or she wants to play wit cars and shit:ohnoes

dude Im not a pedophile. Even 18 is too young for me.

I was 17 she was 15…and that bitch was a slut.

keep it on topic

I was 12, the girl i had sex with was 13

yeah i’m an old fuck. i got an early start. but her mom made sure she hated me as much as she didi.:cry:


oh shit, different mom too?

And youre not that much older than me, are you?