$5 says he didn’t make it around the corner
either hes got some sorta super glue all over his body or theres a hole in the wall
the bricks are staggered. some of them are sticking out and it looks like he’s standing on a couple of the ones that are sticking out.
i wonder how high up he is?
as a joke if i owned an apartment like that, i’d glue a female mannequin to the outside wall like that. :twisted:
Well since you can see a street light at the very bottem of the pic and thats prob about 25-30 feet tall, and then another 3 stories up at about 8-10 feet a story, prob about 60 feet in the air,
and yes that would be a briliant idea.
thats clearly sasha skipping his house arrest guys.
clearly not even real.
look at how fuked up his legs look
those white windows look alot like a garage door. What is a garage door doing up 2 stories?