this is my old comp. but i need to use it until my new one is done. it only has 40 GB and there is only 1 program over 100MB on it. i have about 5 movies on it right now but other than that there really isnt much on it at all and i only have 9 GB left. How the hell is that possible?
what can i do to clean the shit up a bit cuz i kno theres no way i have 30 GB of programs on here. :eek3:
How much space does your OS take up? Movies can be pretty damn big… how about pictures?
If you want to clean shit up, you can take all your pictures and movies, organize them pretty good, then burn them to a CD. (You may want to burn 2 just in case you lose one.)
I’m assuming you check for spyware and such regularly? If not, do that. You can try running a defragmenter but that probably won’t do much good, and if you de-frag then do it AFTER you remove all your pictures.
i clean my temporary files once a week
run adaware every other day
have 0 pictures and only 3 movies now each movie is around 700,000 kb
not sure how much my OS takes up
I have people at work defrag all the time. if I don’t feel like dealing with them right now I tell them to restart, run a scan disk, and run defrag. it shuts them up for a couple of hours.