How to Crash a Citroen

This guy should be planting trees in the forest for a week in thankful gratitude for saving his ass.

Get da fuck out!!!



holy shinto

and the tree didn’t budge :eek:


citroen>ozone layer


man, just imagine wat would have happened to that poor sap if that tree wasnt there…now that ide like to see

HAHAHAHAHA thats just great…if it was me driving it would have scared the shit out of me though

saved by the tree

I betcha that guy had some stains in his tighty whities after that!

And that is why you find the biggest tree to stand behind… unless of course the car actually buckles and wraps around it… then you’re in trouble :smash2:

I’m surprised how quickly and calmly he was able to get out of the way.

Theres reasons why workers at rallys and at autoxes stand behind solid objects. but that guy did get lucky…

the tree was probably like crash “what the hell… hahaha that tickled”

wow i dont think that it was AWD?


word, not to mention everybody standing to the right of the camera-man.

sweet vid y0

damn, lucky motherfucker lol

eeehh, watch the braches/leaves. It definately took a hit… but it’s not like the citroen was a tank either.

Words to live by. Shit.

AS SOON AS the car rolled onto it’s fender the vested gent’ started backing away… smart fucking guy.