how to dis assemble/install s13 sr20 side mount intercooler

well heres the deal… i got in to a little accident in my s13 and the result of that was a bashed in side mount intercooler and a little fender and light damage…but it seems like the only thing preventing the car from stayinng on when i start it is the broken intercooler. and i do have a replacement that id like to put on now is their a trick to it or is it a fairly easy job?

pritty easy just take the pipes off the old intercooler and any nuts and bolts holding it in position, and make sure you tighten the clamps on the pipes when u put it back on.

if its just the core in your fender dont touch the pipes, jack your car up, unscrew the two clams and if you kept the brackets for the core thoes also.
removie old one, put some white grease around the plastic cold pipe and around the rubber part of the hot pipe to make it slip in with ease :wink:
also taking the tire off makes it alotttttttttttttttttttttt easyer.

sound good, thanks alot guys im gonna try it out tommorrow