How to: Make a catapult out of a bike.

One of the greatest bike GIF’s ever. :crackup

It’s an oldie but a goodie

and thats y i dont ride a bike

looks oddly familiar… hmmmm :confused :ponder :headbang :angry2 :runaway

I hope he held on long enough to climb in and catch his breath

i call fake

deff not fake :nono

no more blue bike for him

the bike was probably ok, he’s going to have to let the bruises heal first.

care to explain how one could fake an endo into the back of an suv? i didnt see a stunt double.

thats exactley why you dont fuck off on a bike… maybe a burnout or something but wats the need to do this all you do is destroy the bike…

none the less why would you do that infont of a group of bikes…asking for trouble

he was showing off… didnt workout so well

peer pressure :nono

speaking of peer pressure :haha

2jz > azn’s s2k :ninja

lol… stole that from me but its cool

your peer pressuring him :nono

pretty much :mwahaha whats a good friend for?


the bikes movement doesnt seem to flow very well, doesnt seem natural…maybe it’s just me

whatch the front tire…and thats what happens when you grab a hand full of front break

yeah… too much front brake due to impending wreck FTL… fuckin old ladies in buicks… :headbang :idiots

Well stop posing as a street lamp :tong