How to make girls show tits on chatroulette, guaranteed.

:rofl Thats… inventive.

bwahaha awesome

whats chatroulette?

video chat site that connects you to random people

i thought this said tits gauranteed…all i saw was a bird get eaten. no tits.\\

lock one.

lock 2

Lock 3 cause I can’t see the picture.

Benny = Fail

NO tits as guaranteed.

Well if you douches weren’t stupid douches you’d know that I’m smart enough to include an NWS tag in the title if there were tits.

Die in a candy fire, all of you.

I love u Benny Shit Nizzle

I have seen the ones where he gets tits with the chick and the snake. They were real young too

bhabhaba win!!

pm requested


+1 :rofl

post vid or it didn’t happen

go on 4chan. It was on there last night im sure its reposted. I’m at work and Sam is home after work today so no porn lol

chat roulette is 4chans favorite site to troll.
