How to Post Pics

Use this thread to show us lowly newbs how to post pics. Please, we beg you! (gets on one knee) We’ll shine your shoes!

Use the img tag

this ![ link to pic ]( link to pic )


= Minus the spaces between the Image Tags (These -> )

^^^ Adam’s dad

If you guys want to see the source for a picture, you can right click it and
view the properties of the picture… Then just insert it between the img
tags, and voila…

You need the pic to be hosted off some website though don’t you?

Yes, pics cant be linked off your hard drive. snicker You need a site to upload them to.

Soundomain, imagestation, etc etc.

People who don’t know how to post pics on message boards don’t belong on the intarweb. :squint:

  1. Host it somewhere (like Marc said, on Imagestation, Soundomain, etc.).
  2. Find the source URL after it’s hosted. (eg.
  3. Link to it here using BB-Code Image Tags:

That’s it.
