how to tell if a girl is crazy.

If she has short fingernails, she’s crazy.

Especially, if the skin around the nail is all fucked up.

The shorter and more fucked up they are, the crazier they are.

Trust me.

nail biter?

they don’t always bite them… some girls will carve up their cuticles with their other nails unconsciously.

background story?

i mean, i agree…but whats your story? lol

lol…so then i used to be crazy… i had short nails… now they are pretty :wink:

If you know a girl that isn’t crazy…

then you don’t know her well enough.

background story please?

Didn’t you just get married?

All girls are crazy, Some hid it better then others.

^^^^ Truth…they all have their moments

That’s called motor anxiety. Nail biting, plucking, cutting in extreme cases…

Haha QFT.



if a girl is dating a guy who wants to borrow her pants because they’d look siqqqq with his bullet belt, she might be crazy.

sorry, too easy.

heart newmanzor

stay single!

trust me lol i just found out, dont have to worry about this BS no more… thank god

Thank god my nails are not short.

I have to go tell everyone I’m not crazy!

hmmmmm well i would assume you dated/fucked enough crazies to put together enough empirical data to come to this conclusion so I will accept it as fact :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we know a girl or two who have short finger nails


well this ins’t an entirley valid discussion. see newman likes to date crazy chick however by the time he’s done with them they’re all crazy … so that’s almost liek posting the question:

what came first, the newman or the crazy chick?

crazy chicks are awesome in bed