how uhm, how does one bang that?

Okay, this HAS to be one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen…ever.

theres 100 videos that shes put up :ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh


Why do you post these things?

Total recall?

dude what the hell is wrong with this girl she talks without ever moving her upper lip and her eyes are like WIDE open

i just puked in my mouth

Dont swallow

Wow probably the only time Id tell a chick that

is this one of travs PORNSTAR g/f,s ?

I can see John fucking her

ummmmmmm nopeeeeeeeeeee ,

bullshit dude

Im sure she would look normal bent over LOLLLL just make her bite a end table or something.

I couldnt be that low to make fun of this girl

Moebius Syndrome actually

oh, also, u guys remember that show american hotrod? they had one guy with that that goofy looking tall guy with the big front teeth that another shop stole from them. remember that? same thing.

Wrong, that happened in a car accident that I’m pretty sure Boyd Coddingtons sons was involved in also.


+1, but is she talking without actually moving her lips/mouth? :rofl

She doesn’t blink her eyes either lol I can only imagine how dry her mouth and eyes are.:lol

Did she have a stroke or something? Only thing I can think of…