LOLOL…bah…how did i get mentioned i this thread so much…lol
yes i blew up my motor…yes the thousands of $$$ came from my pocket…but shit…if i had someone to pay for it…more power to them. It would save me the trouble and the stress…:lol:
and yes i did mis-shift…and that’s my fault. I should have drove the car and learned that the gear box was sooo different than my mustang. It was my own fault that i fucked around without learning the car first…but i learn from my mistakes…my very expensive mistakes…
and chris…i do race my car when i want…but i don’t do it 24-7…and i don’t auto-x because i can’t afford for anything else to go wrong with my car. You gotta realize that anything that goes wrong with my car is A LOT! of money…and right now, i can’t have that happen…but Maybe nothing will happen… who knows. I still have other problems that i still have to fix before i do shit like that…