How would NYSpeed handle this? v. someone about to kill themselves

i can only hope we’d be somewhere close to /b/


Sadly most of this site would not take it seriously, and would taunt and keep pushing the person over the edge because they would think it’s funny… there are a few on here who would actually give a shit and try and help…

And from someone who tried to kill himself… and was dead for ~3 minutes and brought back… :meh:

Suicide is NOT something I take lightly anymore; and if I hear mention of it I will be there with that person NO MATTER what to get them through it or get them the help they need to get through it…

This thread is killing me…

classic mob mentally.

someone starts out making fun of him, a few others join in, and then it is everyone.

It’s the law of Newman.

I would permaban his account faster than a raped ape (no death threats on my watch, against yourself counts) then get on the horn to get help there ASAP.

dude I get ragged on all the time on here. The thing is…I dont give a fuck. Its the internetz dood. As in not the really real world.

My ex has made a few attempts at it. round 3, I just laughed it off

That was disturbing…:meh:

WTF is wrong with people!!! Was there not a kid a few years back on UBRF that took his own life? Sorry to bring up a sore subject…

i puked in my mouth a little.