So, after a shocking message from a friend on sunday night…i was told that a friend from high school had passed away…not only is it rough that he passed away at such a young age, but the way it happend…he committed suicide…

now im not here to preach to everyone, but please, no matter how much you think your life sucks please, PLEASE, dont ever think suicide is the only way out because it isnt, there is help out there for you…and always think about the people in your life that love and care about you that want you to be happy…suicide is taking the easy way out and its extremely selfish…you arent just hurting yourself, you’re hurting your friends and family…

Ive had this same situation happen a few times, and honestly i cant stand watching friends take their own lives anymore…like i said i dont want to preach here but i just wanted to make it known that this guy will be missed by everyone…

R.I.P Sam, we all miss you buddy


It sucks losing a friend, it seems like a lot of nyspeeders have been losing friends lately, which is never good


sorry to hear you lost a friend :frowning:

RIP sorry to hear about that.

Truely is the bitchout move though.

yep it is a mess to deal with.My cousin commited suicide a couple years ago, all because some dumb bitch fucked with his head, he also just lost his father.
Get help with your problems before even considering suicide. He left behind his two kids and an entire family in shock and confusion.

Amherst grad?

Sorry to hear man.


Damn man that really sucks. Sorry to hear. RIP

Sorry to hear R.I.P

sorry buddy rip

sorry to hear

that sucks.


Sorry to hear man.

My dad committed suicide last year. Definitely makes you think about life a little differently.

What most people fail to realize though is that suicide is often not really something they just decide to do. Most people (about 85%) of those who commit suicide have a mental disorder, usually depression, that can be treated. The mental disorder pretty much takes over, and prevents the person from thinking clearly, no matter how good their life may seem to people on the outside.

If anyone is interested, I actually am the chairperson for the Out of the Darkness Walk, which is a charity event for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The walk is being held at Delaware Park south, behind albright-knox, on September 14th. If you are interested in participating or donating, let me know.


you never know the burdens people carry with them on a daily basis.

Sam was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He will be missed.

that sucks man, sorry to hear :tdown:

a friend of mine committed suicide about 3-4 years ago. Sucks loosing a friend, especially at such a young age.


I know how you feel. A friend of mine took his own life on Christmas a few years back…


Couldn’t have said it better myself…

I’m sorry for your loss; and may he now be free of his burdens that drove him to this.

Suicide is not something to take lightly; even talk or mention of it can be a “reaching out” the best they can. Depression is still a very “taboo” subject in our society, and with guys even more than girls it’s not talked about. The whole macho thing, combined with the “seeming weak”; along with the fact that they either will get or are afraid they will be ridiculed and made fun of for being “depressed”; all leads them to NOT talk about it and just live with it in private. Just in seeing how people are treated on this board between “friends” shows how someone with something as serious as depression can be proves this point.

I know there are people out there who do not believe in “depression” in a clinical sense but this isn’t meant to start that debate.

My father has depression and I could never relate to how decent his life is and how he was always so miserable and angry. Now, I know depression is hereditary and while I have never thought about suicide, I can finally understand how people can feel upset when things are always not that bad or can easily turn to better quickly. If I do in fact have depression ill be so pissed because its got to be such a shitty burden to carry.

That and I think anxiety has a lot to do with suicide too obv.

i knew the kid some what. was a real good kid and sad to hear.