Howie See Is In Final Fantasy 7!!

Not Cool! Not Cool!


What is PS7 v0.19? If it’s what I thin kit is… is it any good?

Howie is gonna hate you for this :lol:

PSX Emulator and it’s pretty good. Using the OpenGL plugin, the games look quite better than the original…

i never could get into the whole final fantasy scene…just seemed too “little kid-ish” for me…i perfer more realistic graphics, and more real situations…

…but after seeing this, i may have to turn a new page in my life and get into it, just because howie is in it

:rofl: howie did they give u a cut of the profit for that lil bit in the game?

honestly, i’ve liked the final fantasy games that DIDN’T look realistic better than the ones that are, if your gonna play one play 7 for sure, its sooooo good :tup:

:word: I never really played an RPG let alone all they way through before. This one is awesome. The only other RPG I have played is Dragon Quest for the NES.

FF7 was the only one i really got into.

it had an amazing fucking storyline, and OMFG


:rofl: omg! he looks just like him

ahhahhahaah lollercaust

im in the arc comp lab roffling my ass off

all but FF8 have great story lines. FF8 is alright.


haha funny how howie hasnt posted in here…yet


that’s awesome

howie was last online 2 hours before this was posted


It’s stuff like this that is making me shell out a thousand bucks for a personal trainer.

30 lbs by new years, bitches.

274 yesterday.


Its not that we mean to hurt ur feelings howie, but we HAVE to laugh at someone’s expense and well, it was sitting on a silver platter for this one