Huge Dead Snake!


All i can assume is after he dropped the camera he had to change his pants… that is if he wasn’t snake food. Can you imagine that thing getting ahold of you and constricting you, it would make your freaking eyes pop out of your head!

So thats like a 9 foot snake… a door is what 3 ft wide… its about 3-4x longer than the door width… Not long at all.

That thing could suffocate the statue of liberty >_>


…and neither am I :eekdance:

haha 9 feet my ass, that thing has to stretch out to at least 20 feet in length.

you couldn’t pay me to get that close to that thing.

ugh snakes suck


thats unfortunate

Got me. and that thing is huge, I hate snakes.

No, this is a big snake:

You mean quake?

LOL Look at the Cheeto that looks like a Crucifix in weird news.


Quake? Didn’t my link point to the 49 footer in a zoo in Indonesia?

negative… it showed me footage of the quake in cali

god you mods suck at the posting

it ended too quickly to make a scare, but that thing is friggin huge! i hate snakes

damn lol…that made me jump.

+1 on knees hitting desk.


haha this is going around my office today.

lol nice