snake vs. electric fence


backround story or link to it?

it ate an Impala… should move this to kill stories :tspry:


Heheh, I legitimately laughed at that…

Jay, fix your first two pics…

reminds me of the snake vs alligator thread

Isnt that your job matt :lol: jk sorry

I think this is pretty old. I remember these pics from a long time ago.

Anyway, thats one monstrous snake. I would definately scream like a girl if I saw that coming towards me.

dont stand at a urinal next to me then


took me a second

but :lol:

I won’t peek…stare maybe but I won’t peek

Isn’t it common knowledge that guys who joke about having a big schween are actually self conscious about having a small schween?

who the hell calls it a schween

Me. I don’t like any of those played out penile names.

i dont think so. i think that was made up by guys with small dicks as a come back of sorts.

impreza’s only got one Z and ohhh burrrrrn

so did the snake die like, right there? that’s pretty cool

ohh shit son

Typo and suck my balls

Don’t even get me started on you.:smiley:

I didn’t bring it up.

I love those guys who can turn any conversation into one that makes them sound more masculine.

Guy 1 - “So how about those people with the finger in the chili?”
Guy 2 - “I gotta big cock!!!”
Guy 1 - “OoooooooooK. I’m walking over there now.”
Guy 2 - “See ya later small dick!!”
Guy 1 - (shakes head)