are these real?

An Australian sheep farmer was puzzled at the disappearance of sheep on his farm. After a few weeks of sheep disappearing, the farmer decided to put up an electric fence. This is what he found

i didn’t think snakes had teeth like that. :ugh:

i’ve never seen snakes with red x’s like that before

i was giving him a chance… but nada so far

maybe the snakes dead tham them X’s are his eyes?

I didnt even get a red x

nice red x’s

I heard sheep and just figurured pewter was having sex with them

Wow. Wonder what it would cost to get one of those to get rid of a neighbor’s noisy dog?

yes they are real. they are very large constricters. you can tell by the teeth more than anything

edit- they don’t have “fangs” they have sharp teeth that are meant to hold the animal in it’s mouth as it swallows it. they way they are curved make it so once they sink into a animal it is impossible for it to back out of the mouth

i wouldnt wanna run into one of them


good lord…

Holy shit!

:scared: those better be indiginant to Australia!

u & eurodad the only sheep i like!:gaysex:


Good God! Wanna here someone scream like a lil bitch… come across one of those

poor guy

i know, i hate seeing that picture, that makes me so sad, guy was just slithering along then got stuck, and confused, probably getting shocked there too. doesnt know what to do, then his mouth gets stuck on the wires. can’t move. lost. :frowning:

TRUE: snopes page

Snake Defense

Claim: Photographs show a snake trapped by an electrified fence.

Status: True.

Origins: The photographs displayed above evidently originated with the Silent Valley Game Ranch in South Africa, as we were informed in response to an inquiry sent there:
The snake had eaten an impala ewe and was trying to go through the electric fence when it was killed by the electric fence. The pictures were taken on Silent Valley Ranch in the Waterberg mountains of South Africa. If you go to the site you will see the images of the impala that was removed from the pythons stomach.
Additional pictures appear on the Silent Valley Ranch’s web site, which describes them as picturing an African rock python:
The Rock python is Africa’s largest snake. The rock python eats mammals and birds.

Lays up to 100 eggs about the size of a tennis ball in antbear (Aardvark) holes, hollow tree or similar suitable place. The female coils herself around the eggs to protect them.

The snake in this picture had eaten a full grown Impala ewe and, sadly, caught itself in an electric fence.

Over four metres in length, this was a large specimen.

When the python was skinned we found a full grown Impala ewe had just been swallowed.

The python kills its prey by coiling itself around the animal and constricting it. When the animal is dead the python swallows it normally head first.Having swallowed its prey, the snake will find an abandoned burrow or hollow tree in which to hide and digest its meal.

A python’s bite is not poisonous but would be very painful.