this is what happens when you try and snack on Darkstar's sparrows

Nice action pics!



wtf…2 snakes? both ate birds…one exploded?


birds are overrated anyways


nah woke up, went out onto the patio to smoke a cigarette and saw this fucker chowing down on a bird right underneath my hammock. so I drug it out into the yard and all the neighbors saw and were rather adamant about me dispatching it… so when that was happenning another one was spotted, so they both got the acquainted with the business end of a snow shovel.


what the fuck are you laughing at, faggot?

the fact that it resembled a large black penis. it amazes me with such a resemblence like that, you would kill it rather than eat it yourself.

worst comeback ever! try again :slight_smile:

Why is there a large superimposed penny in the one pic?

strangle yourself with your titties

Because this site requires a pic with a penny whenever…

Wait, this is a Darkstar thread, so, of course, the reply to this is “Shut up n00b”.

kinda saw the STFU noob thing coming

what are chances of 2 snakes chillin in the back yard by a patio/deck? i’d say you have a nest of them around your house somewhere.

Was waiting for it.
