Snake vs rabbit.

guess who wins

thats just mean that snakes gonna have a hell of a time eating that and the owners no that he should still be eating mice. they did that just for fun which is fucked up and wrong

Can’t wait till my piranhas are mature enough for this…

people are fucked up…seriously

:frowning: that seriously ruined my night…

yeah yeah, they eat mice and other smaller animals, but to do that just for fun is fucked up.

Guys, it’s nature. It happens all the time in the woods, we just don’t see it

not gunna lie. i read your quote and was like wow what a tool

then watched the video and agree… that was fucked

ps do any bunnys scream?

I have snakes and agree that if it was something that it could eat then fine its the nature of things, but you could see by the snakes reluctance to attack even it knew that it would have a hard time eating it. If they used a rat or something that the snake new was gonna be food it would of struck imediatly instead of letting a meal get away.

Thats terrible.

chimechongas are delicious


god that was fuckign sweet

get it!

we all know it happens, but who actually sits there and makes it happen on purpose in their bedroom?

Messed up people


Ghey, and the fags still live at home with their mom. I hope that snake strangles him in his sleep.

Heyyy Guyzzzz…

It’s Jus’ Natuuure at worksz!

Ugh, I fucking hate snakes. All of them. And anything to do with them.

I was expecting something like this

That’s fucked. Yeah a snake hunting/killing/eating a rabbit is nature.

A domesticated bunny cornered in a bedroom with faggots filming it for entertainment is not.

Not that I’m particularly upset about it. It’d be hypocritical of me to get all high and mighty about that and then go eat a burger that was grown on a feed lot. But I’m still not going to watch the entire vid.

Faggots would own a snake because lucifer is the savior of all gays.