Humping Stars

Scarlett :excited
Jessica :excited :excited
Minka :excited :excited :excited

srsly. vid is a fucking WOULD SMASH fest.

except for that methhead at the end, the vid is a win!

my god. hottest females ever.

scar jo / alba FTW
hispanic broad too

Minka FTW…Scar Jo is nice and Alba is certainly banging but Minka…yeah. Game over. Derek Jeter is a lucky SOB.

And isn’t that the Hispanic chick from modern family?

Her name is Sofia Vergara.

Yea, her. nom nom

I’ll be in my bunk.

LOL, Lets get HoBo-fied

Scar Jo is meh

*flame suit on

No I agree, she looks like shit right now.

Jessica Biel on the other hand. That woman is pure sex, period.


And then make like a Mexican across the border :ahh


“Make her pregnant!!”

Protip: Lohan is topless in Machete and does a fake threesome scene with her “mom” in the movie. Would hulk smash.

It’s NWS though. She has a great rack.

Jessica Biel - Would smash right in front of the mother and father bible thumpers on the set of 7th Heaven.