Devil in a new dress - GS430 content

Dope song, VIP car, asian girl. Done.

Ehh. Nice car. Girl is… Ok. Video kinda sucks…

Her hands are ugly

I want a toyota so bad now.

That girl needs me to bang her in the back seat.

And they need a steady cam holder or something, camera work wasn’t smooth enough

They need a better rig for sure for video. It’s hard with a handheld like that.

GS430’s are so badass.

Would smash that asians, and I don’t even like asians. ROSS FTW

Song is dope!

Yeah, ok, can’t stop watching/listening. Want that song on an mp3 lol

Girl was fat

Car and rims are epic.

Would you or would you not have sexual intercourse with her? That’s the only real question here.

If I met her in a dim lit bar after a few drinks

Lies. You probably would fuck anything that walks, within reason :lol

I would, and I don’t have a problem saying it. :lol

i’d bang her. no question.

Her jaw is freaking huge.

sooooo…you wouldnt wanna touch that girl?

Her left earring hole is too big.

Car is currently for sale. $20k as it stands.