Anyone been down there lately?
Wondering how icy it is; going down there this evening and interested in how black-n-blue I’m going to come home.
Anyone been down there lately?
Wondering how icy it is; going down there this evening and interested in how black-n-blue I’m going to come home.
should be good they have been making snow everynight i can see the lights from my house …there was ice on monday but woth the amt of snow they can put out should be good
I went weds night.
They were blowing a LOT of snow all over the place, Mardigras and northwind were AWESOME. No ice. The black diamonds off of mardigras (yodeler and chute chairs) SUCKED, because of noobs scraping the piss out of the hills. Morningstar and co. were pretty nice. As were most of the hills accessed by the tannenbaum lift.
SUNRISE/CINDYS blew hard. But they were blowing TONS of snow. Might be nicer now.
Was there last night, snow was great all over the place. There were still making a ton of snow and with the warm up coming it should be pretty great