HVCC Spring '09

what about 4ish?

kinda early but we’ll see

Im in the computer room right now and want to kill the 20 person group of colored people yelling like its sneaky petes

haha… Standing by the doors?

as usual, where are you?

Im in BRN 207 now:bow

No nigs!

sneaky petes is having an OBAMA bash…

bring your welfare card and get in for FREEEEEE


KFC is gonna be PACKED tonight

CNN-“There is talk of KFC not being able to keep up with the demand for chicken, so they have merged with Popeyes. BREAKING NEWS- this just in, Old English is opening up 20 more plants to keep up with sales demand, giving jobs to over 5,00 people. YES WE CAN!”

LMAO that is wrong

Yes we can!

I’m in the library cruising the forums

Hey, i didnt say it, CNN did:D

Im goin to the lib in about 15 minutes.

I want to get Wendys for dinner but the barack supporters will flood that place prolly by 5pm

Im out of here at 4 thank god

Lucky… I have fucking English from 6-850

oh dear god that sucks

It’s a buncha bull SHIT


I shoulda stopped at deli and brew to grab a brew