Suny Albany

Whose going there besides me, sarge, and vlad?

This thread is going to fail to deliver (unlike the HVCC thread) just like it did last year.


I know I know… always worth a try though i guess :cry


All these guys are too smart for UALB. Harvard on the hudson ftw.

i’m here lol

That is total win right there

OH… YEA!!!

Pfft word. Hence why I attend a totally different school then all you fucks

I’m gonna kick you in the taint after the retard bus takes out your failrx

I’m gonna knock over the 954rr if I see it again at UALB.

wtf you do at UALB?

…And sean will unbolt the tank and throw it in the trunk and off we’ll be.

Transferred fucker.:number1

i’m going to put a used condom on it:number1

but you start classes next week? :number1

I will be at Ualbany tomorrow. Watch out fuck stick

Hey mike quit bein such a lousy slug


Mikes a bitch