HVCC Spring '09

It’s gotta be first floor somewhere… ill just leave 10 mins earlier and walk around until I find it. lol

guess you havent noticed there is a day care center there, talk about cp

I made the argument about the CP thing a few days ago and it went unnoticed.


I was going to mention that :rofl

Snowbank parking FTMFW!


Gotta love the kids that fire up their pick up trucks and immediately do burnouts when its below zero.

Shit sucks… so god damn cold

LOL yeah… morons.

I hope they throw a rod.

LOL @ chris, i was parked like 5 down from you, but i left around 11ish

Haha… I didn’t get there until 1245ish…I was originally in the williams lot but since it was cold and I was early I decided to drive around and look for a closer spot. That was the only one I could find :open_mouth:

i had one of those kids behind me the other day… up in the williams parking lot… apparently i backed out of my spot in front of him… so he laid on the horn and then did a burnout turning left out of williams when i went right… cool kids at hvcc!

i had the same thing happen top me the other day, i was leaving school and backing outta my parking spot to have this kid laying on his horn and flashin his high beams. So i pull away like okay whatever and the kid PULLS INTO MY PARKING SPOT!. Lke wtf were you mad about i just gave you a parking spot. IDIOT

Yep, people are fuckheads.

those dumbass’s see me in my mk2, with my plate hangin sideways, they get out of MY WAY. or, i roll coal.

lolz, nobody haz fucked with my buhog yet, they must be scurred:ohnoes

Im gonna come up and do big diesel burnouts around HVCC and leave.

I have not went up the hill since school has started, i cant deal with idiots.

first day at hvcc…was away for the first week…I have class at 8AM so hopefully the parking lot wont be too bad lol

8am isn’t bad. 9am is trouble, 10 am… good luck.

i got lucky today.

I got break from 3-6 today, anyone down to get food around 5ish?