HVCC Spring '09

the description of “tiny & hot” can fit thousands of girls…the description of “95-105lbs, small, short, brown/or blonde hair” can fit SOOO many… :rofl I bet you see new/different bitches everyday.

Yeah, there a a TON of tiny ass chicks at HV this year. Like 100lbs or less…its rediculous. I wanna break em!

yea, new ones everyday. then ones i do see that are smokinnnn i see one day then i see them like a week later. it sucks at the same time it rocks.

BTC is full of cp!

Im staying in school forever…Van Wilder plan FTW!

hell yea

brn 106 fuckerss

the girls in BTC are hoTTIES!

CP ftw

i concur

Cp party tonight

work ftl


these girls are in college, stop calling them CP.

I don’t think anyone smart enough to graduate high school early would be going to HVCC, :rofl

CP sittin 2 rows over from me. giggidy.

Guys I went to college with called it the Big Tit Center and some called it Bitches, Tits and Clits

Speaking of BTC, does anyone know where BTC 1053 is? I have class in that room tomorrow but IDK where the fuck it is.

10th floor room number 53? :smiley:

I think that’s one of the networking labs Chris. If I remember correctly from my days at HVCC. 2nd floor I think? There is room number maps on the walls (near the crosswalks over the main lobby as you’re walking towards the rooms).

Its on the first floor of btc