HVCC Spring '09

QFT! Go figure, an indian lady teachin us Engrish lmao

Hope for change!

Fuckin Obama, holdin the white man down…lol


:rofl:rofl:rofl, OMG, thats her when she doesnt dye her hair!!

I’ve come to the conclusion that I would bang all of the white girls in this class. All hotties FTMFW.


I’m gonna grind on EVERY piece of white pussy that walks through that door… alright, i’m gonna grind until my fuckin’ dick falls off.

ahh the one thing that makes me prefer sccc to hvcc…not as many “minorities of dark color” (<—so i dont get in trouble for my piles of racist comments)

yea besides the black chick sittin next to us in the lib yesterday…

she was just a black girl, not a n***a lol theres a diff…she wasnt blasting her headphones, while sippin kool aid and munching on kfc

what class might this be?! day,time, building, room, measurements of each girl…please:D

I might blow off my morning class tomo… don’t feel like dealing with all the morons trying to drive their jalopies in the snowstorm…

Think it’ll get cancelled??

Doubt it… at least not the morning classes. Evening/night classes maybe… crosses fingers

As long as 10-2 does, im happy!

8am class tommorw FTL, bet i drive there to have them cancel it

Happened to me last year, i was PISSED. Lemme know if they cancell it lol

might just not go and hope for the best

LOL, good luck, youll end up missin like 3 quiz’s