HVCC Spring '09



His car isn’t even on the road any more

The intrepid…STUPIDS

LOL, i love fuckin with people

I drove like Ricky Bobby to get to my 8am class on time, only to find out its CANCELED! WTF!


too much rizzness on this page…

Ha mondays off ftw

3hour class Mondays, off Fridays for me ftw

+1 Fridays off

+2 :up

Fridays off FTMW

I didn’t bother going to class today. Sleeping til 1 FTMFW!

I had some dumb black bitch blasting her earphones this AM when I was doing HW. Then her hood rat boys came over and started making even more noise, ever over word was , n-word this n-word that …i dont get it.

Ask Shusmita yo!

what is the purpose of this…

“Is that clear??”

ummm no

Fuckin nazi ass Shusmita…

i think its more taliban…she doesnt look very german