HVCC Spring '09

You guys enjoy your school closings while you can. You wont get snow days at a job.

I went home after they canceled school and went to jump on shift to figure out that I had no internet. I shoulda stayed at HVCC where they still had internet :rofl

Ill enjoy it. I worked full time since i was 16, i know the drill. And i actually ahve had a few snow days at a few of my jobs when we got retarded ammounts of snow lol.

I got class at 10am, 1pm, and 2pm… i’m gonna go because I have to drive to Menands anyway for work.

I get stuck driving in whatever we get tomorrow all day. No day off but its not like I can afford one anyway.

Sometimes we rearrange deliveries and double up on the day before but I still put in atleast 8 hours on the day of the storm.

I got paid to go home when i was at KME. Boss was like WTF you idiot, youre driving a Mach1 and theres 5" of snow already…GO HOME.:rofl

I cant see my boss doing that. He’s too fucking cheap.

He did donuts in his F250 on the ice in the parking lot today- surprised the shit out of me because he’s not the type to goof around like that.

My boss tried to make me go home when we had the ice storm… I refused lol.

I didnt have a choice, he said go home or we’re boxing. And hes about 6’5", early 40’s, and built like a lumberjack lol. So I said ok. He’s a big mustang fag like me, so he didnt want to see me fuck it up by staying

Well I wouldnt argue with somebody telling me to go home and get paid for it.

I dont think my kinda bald front tires will get me a day off with pay.

somebody just hang out on the hill with a video camera and record the accidents please, i need some entertainment from that place lol

Wohoo… no classes!

Its closed?




I’m shocked… so many lives and vehicle damage saved for once

Lol there is tomorrow for that nonsense

Dammit, looks like im gonna have to wait another day for some brave soul to total out my car.

you guys are lucky you dont park at williams with all the hot rodders