HVCC Spring '09

I’m done bitchezzz:clap

But Momma says foosball is the devil?:crazy




Guess what class?! Momma’s wrong again!


I havent gone to class in like 2 weeks

true story :lol


adam why is hvcc the devil?


free pizza tommorrow 12pm!

haha, line is miles long. f- that noise!

where is this free pizza

Yeah, where’s the free pizza I’m coming to get some

campus center. 12pm. be there at like 11.45 haha

Finals time+last couple weeks work load FTL!

I got SHIT for work over at Siena.
kind of, haha.


It seems like these last couple of weeks are dragggging as well:shifty


the darkies get enough free stuff, why are they giving them pizza now too? :Idiots

Saw you GATVILLE today. Said what up.

Last time I saw GATVILLE at ILNY Pizza he gave me some shit ass attitude :gay2:gay