You need to go back to the ones in your Avatar, those would be newman.
You need to go back to the ones in your Avatar, those would be newman.
yeah… i crashed off the second hit in the park and they went flying… then a train of like a billion people came down right behind me and i’m pretty sure pummeled my glasses into dust… damnit, they were pretty new too… TDOWN. That’s like pair number 3 claimed by HV… you would think i would wise up and wear some sort of strap…
haha, those joints are SO BIG. I think they are still in my dresser. I will break them out for a meet sometime.
wow talk about eating shit.
edit: nvm I read too fast and pictured a train of people rolling across the back of your head and smashing your face/glasses into the snow. I see now that was not the case.
German Nun StYleZZZZZ!!
OT: How were the hits at HV?
concaved and icy. hence the crashing.
i lol’d.