I am drunk..........

sleeper u didnt hit a nerve with the wet back comment. is it sad that an illegal like myself makes more than you make? and if u had any kind of brian ud notice its too cold for grass to grow and that nobody is cutting it. besides my family didnt jump the fence, we dug a hole under it and crawled under the fence

acutally u a fucking drunk who has nothing in his life but alchol to make him feel like he is somebody special. ur an inbreed retard that should honestly turn the gun on himself and pull the fucking trigger. you seek attetion from a car site b/c ur parents wish they never had you and wish they would have stuck a close hanger up there along time ago. most of the world wishes that also. soo go be an internet fighter, a keyboard warrior, a chat room tough guy, swing ur eballs some more, drink another beer and make a post on pittspeed to seek some atttetion to feel good about urself, cause guess what, no body cares if u think u can beat up superman when u have ur beer muscles going


follow ur own words tard!



:rofl: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :rofl:

ill truck stop rape you!

I dont have fast food on me.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


great comeback, honeslty great

actually on a diet. We will see who the fat one is next year shaggy!


till tomorrow when wing night comes back around

ur a BITCH period

ur just a bum u fuckin SMUT!

:stupid: :rofl: :rofl: