I am drunk..........

multi quote is ur friend u fag, keepin being like this and santa will take away the things he gave you


little boy SCHMEIDER u have a long way to go,befor u think u can make post like u do!u aint got enuff time on here to do the things u do!!!

ban his ass

He’ll just make him some more sandwiches,i mean it’s bad enough burnyd broke into his house as well as others to eat al lthe milk n cookies left out and smeider drove the getaway sleigh:rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ur all obviously fags

coming from the worlds tallest fag

Do you celebrate Christmas in Mexico?

duh, we are more relgious than most americans, duh!! we burn like 4875349834 candles a day for jesus and name our children after him!

just kinda funny when your attempting to make someone look dumb you fuck up yourself. :finger2: and im not reading the other 2 pages of uselessness (dont know if thats a word)

^^^stupid wetbacks…lawns are for ur cousins


that almost makes sense, almost