I am reminded of an Einstein quote...

I know not with what weapons WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Iran, Venezuela form “axis of unity” against U.S.

“The two countries will unite to defeat the imperialism of North America,” a beaming Chavez told a news conference during an official visit to the Islamic Republic…Ahmadinejad — who came to power two years ago pledging to revive the values of the 1979 Islamic revolution — hailed the event as a step towards boosting “brotherly” ties of the two “revolutionary” nations. Iran is embroiled in a worsening nuclear standoff with Western powers.
Chavez, who last week pushed two U.S. oil giants out of his country as part of his self-styled socialist revolution, said: “This is the unity of the Persian Gulf and the Caribbean Sea.”

Ruh roh Shaggy…

FUCCCKKK we get a shitload of oil from venezuela


god fucking damn it

such a nice country were going to have to destroy now

can we just bomb all their ports, military bases and govt buildings and tell them to STFU ?

^ yes please

Wow. Labeling Iran as one of the “axis of evil” was a really good idea…

NOT! :picard: