i am thinking of a new digital camera

well as the head line states…i am looking at getting a new digital camera…since i am leaving in a few months… for a yr to a yr and a half…and i do not want to take my laptop…

so i am trying to see what my options are…i am looking for some device that has a decent amount of storage so i can store my pictures while i am gone.i would like the device to be able to just plug into the camera…i know that memory for a camera gets used up pretty fast while taking decent sized pics…

well if worse come to wrose i will just have to buy a low budget laptop with a cd burner while i am away…so any help would be greatly apreicated…and i am also collecting donations j/k…

on a side note i will prob buy a camcorder the one that records to dvds so i am safe there

How much $$$ you trying to spend?

dont know trying to see what is out there…

well digital cameras suck at taking video… digital camcorders suck at stills (generally)… i believe that those sony dvd cameras are like $999+…

well i am getting two seperates…i decided all ready on the camcorder i want…i am getting the sony that records directly on dvdr…

my question is on a camera and some type of storage deivce other than computer or memory card

Nikon makes a camera with 1gb drives… if you set it to a lower resolution say 640x480 i would image you could take 2000 pictures

thanks whitey i am going to look into that one

I heard you have to have a Website, to be able to afford a camera :dunno:

hahah yep, something like that.