Super goddamn bunk beds. This is what you need with 4 boys that you want to keep in one room. Made mostly with 2x4’s and 2x10 bed frames. Took about two weeks from start to finish and the boys seem to love it so far.
Looks great. On a side note I can’t imaging having to care for four children, kudos for being a cool dad.
Seriously man, I don’t know how the fuck you do it.
Beds look awesome man :tup:
Looks like military housing!
Nice work. :tup:
Looks like the kid on the lower left lost out and got the one with no head room though.
Bed looks great man! I would pump Ambien in through the air vents
room looks surprisingly clean for 4 boys!
Nice bed! :tup:
great work man!
“Daddy loves you the least”
Haha I like it! Sooner or later that’s what I will need.
The lower left reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer had the Asian people in drawers.
very cool. How the hell do you keep them all in the same room & keep them from waking each other up? We cant even manage to keep them from waking each other up in the same house.
Are these guys 9 months and 1 day apart in age or what? Did you even wait till she got home from the hospital or just until the nurse left the room? Your screen name has been explained.
I believe 3 of them are triplets.
But the beds look solid
Thank you
Thanks, some days definitely test my last nerve but they are good boys.
Thanks Jeller, I don’t know how I do it either. Hair is a little more grey but its all good.
I do feel like a drill sergeant some days.
Thanks, actually the one up top has the least room but its close.
Great idea on the Ambient, does anyone have some for me?
Well the room is usually pretty clean but the downstairs is a goddamn disaster.
Thank you
Well that one is the most like his mom, a stubborn pain in the ass.
Its not a bad project.
My cousin said the same thing. I def should have just bought a giant dresser.
Amazingly they don’t wake each other up too often and even when they do, they go back to sleep quick. Plus mom and dad’s quiet time means we don’t want to know you.
Ha the oldest was 4 in February and the triplets were 3 in May. 15 month apart but we definitely wanted them close. Not necessarily this many but they are fun.
Thanks a lot.
Yeah at this point we are 2 boys and a girl but another boy due in October so something like this will eventually need to be done. Did you go off any schematics or just come up with our own thing and just build it?
I searched a lot of triplet bunk beds and found a picture of the one I built. The guy that made it posted a handful of pictures on his blog and one had a few measurements on it so I just used those. Then built as I went from the ground up.
I built my girls this minus some of the crazy frills.

Looking sweet Mike. Those plans to build that are amazing. I almost want to build that for the boys.