I/C - Apexi Sale

Apexi is having a sale right now, so I can get these at this price until stock runs out.

Apexi SAFC2 - $350 CAD
Apexi AVCR - $475 CAD

First come first serve. I’ll need deposits before I order for anyone, a $100 deposit will be fine on any orders.

PM me for payment details. I am hoping to put the order thru this week. After the order is put thru, it should take 2-3 weeks for them to arrive.

My feedback can be found here:


Forgot to mention that all items listed above are BRAND NEW in box.

Can you get Apexi Head Gaskets?

black and blue safc the same price?

Alex - Black and Blue are the same price.

Dan - Most likely yes, I will PM you.

thats a fucking GOOOOOOD price for AVC-Rs

jump people jump

Due to the good response, I will be putting thru the first order today.

As this sale is until stock runs out, if you want one of the above items, order it today or wait till the next shipment.

Ya Listen to Phil, this is a Sweet deal, I am getting the SaFc2 and the Avcr for a killer price


PM sent.

is there a sale on power fc’s? haha

No sale on Power FC right now, but I can get it if you want it.

Also have Apexi Turbo Timers available for $120 CAD each.


your stuff is all in, so Please contact Phil about pickup

To get this pricing again, we would need 10 orders.