I can now stop complaining about my job

Because I just gave my 2 weeks http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/Pr0xima/runaway.gifhttp://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/Pr0xima/runaway.gifhttp://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/Pr0xima/runaway.gifhttp://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/Pr0xima/runaway.gifhttp://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/Pr0xima/runaway.gifhttp://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/Pr0xima/runaway.gifhttp://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/Pr0xima/runaway.gif

I would like to thank whitey for the opportunity he gave me. He forwarded my resume to HR and refered me. I intereviewed over a month ago and it was going into week 6 and I was pretty much thinking its going to go the same as all the other interviews, Go in, try to impress. Never hear a single thing back.

I got in at the NOC @ Expedient, I can’t wait. I checked my voicemail while taking a call today from a stuttering woman. I couldnt concentrate when I heard the call back. I started making this lady talk more so I could hear her stutter and i almost bust out laughing on the call. 2 weeks more of the call center and I am finally into somthing a little more in the field I spent 4 years of my life studying for :hsugh:


way cool. don’t mess up. no pressure :smiley:




CAL U ftw!

CONGRATS Dom, I’m so glad to hear the happy news. Mod time for the SRT?

Actually, I was thinking something more along the lines of him moving in with me and paying some bills…and maybe something like this

I guess this would be a bad time to tell you it was all a joke?

yeah keep dreaming!

We’re going to the jewelry store tonight :eek2:
btw, thanks for referring Dom. :bowdown:

yeaaaaaaaaa i work at expedient too

can I get a job at Expedient also, I want to fit in? :smiley:


Congrats, what is the position?

he said he was in at the noc… network operations…

congrats dom…

:down: to being on-call… gotta do it at some point though…

noc is not on-call