I cant believe my celica is for sale on ebay already.


I am very happy with the mr2 but I just feal heartbroken almost… I dont know its just a weird feeling … I go browse on ebay and find my old celica for sale… its just strange.

and the amount of bullshit the kid made up about the car… is worse than the amount of bullshit I made up about the car… but the fact that he put so many lies on that page makes me crazy… but oh well


is that really ur car?

Its looks a lot better than when you had it…I wonder if it runs better too…j/k kidding. It is weird though.

No he did nothing to the motor… he hood rigged a front mount and but the bov next to the charge piping that comes off of the turbo… things still fucked up as the day It left pittsburgh… now some asshole is going to pay all this money for that car that I told him isnt really the best mechanically…

Look at the pittspeed stickers…

wow i can’t believe he did all that ricey shit to just sell it! but that is funny seeing the pittspeed stickers on it still

yea thats beat

The car has been a california car until this last year. Huh?

Lol it gets funnier

When i had the kit put on i had it painted metallic blue.:hsdance:

Wow this kid really did bs alot.

I’m calling BS on the horsepower numbers as well.

its still a pos

and the hood scoop looks a TON better

wow, he really does BS. he did a lot of work in short amount of time though:nuts: wonder if they ever put the all trac shifter cables on yet?

I can’t believe the car made it back to michigan

but that thing looks 100 times better…i guess you can try to polish a turd:D

the engine hasnt been touched… unless you count paint as a mod!

i said looks not drives:moon:

theres just so much bullshit in that add…

tell him to run a carfax…or he meant the car was from california of pa

At least you know he’ll get a bundle for it…

It’s a one of a kind 3S-GTE swap. No one ever does those…


so is almost everything you say so whats the differnece