I got 2 pens tickets for saturday night and i cant go

ill sell them for 60 dollars 2 tickets in c19 row b

these tickets are like 70 dollars each at the gate

i’m interested…le me ask the woman if she has plans

SLim,i tried to call ya but i got a chick on the other line when i called? U got a new number? I’ll take em man,pm me and i’ll shoot ya my number

dibs, fucker!!! lol

u weren’t sure…i am…u lose

sorry but quik called me like 10 min after i posted

im a season ticket holder so i will have more this year

I will be jumping on some later in the year. Beth has never been to a game, so I would like to make it out to a few this season.

quik is quick!!:kekegay:

god damnit…i hate that kid. oh well. lol



awesome seats for first game

Thats what I heard Laura say too! :embarassd


must be thinking of someone else, sureas hell isnt me



Iam glad my tickets where free. Iam in section C 27 row F seat 6. tickets for that section are like $80.00 lucky I know people.

i think i’m still goin to that game though…i’ll look for you guys

whoopdie ding. My tickets for saturday were free too. igloo east row h seats 5-8 tickets for that section are like $140 lucky the people i know are better than the people you know
