Opening day

who wants tickets?

what time is the game and who are they playing…i might want to take EJ if anyone else wants to go

i can get two, game time is 4:05 against philly 4/5/04

i will let someone else have first dibs…but if no one else wants them i will take them…

whats the price?


like i said no one wants them i will take EJ and i will give you some money for the tickets

let me me know soon, i gotta put the request in by 6:00 .tickets will be under your name at out employee/comp ticket pick-up window at the corner of federal and genral robinson.

ill pass on the free tickets cause i wouldnt get out of school till like 330 and then by the time i get down there i wont get to enjoy it. if you can hook me up with some tickets later in the year like mid - late may on a afternoon game im down for some free tickets. i still owe my brother a trip down there.

thanks bob for the offer though

I would like some(3) but I think I missed the 6:00 deadline:(

if things work out for me, i want some for some time this season

I think it might not be a bad idea to get some people together for a small meet and head out to a game…as long as the team doesnt suck to bad this year:D :cool:

im goin to the home opener, its suppose to be cold as hell there tho, isnt it?

raining on monday and cold around mid to high 40s

Originally posted by VictorSmalls
I think it might not be a bad idea to get some people together for a small meet and head out to a game…as long as the team doesnt suck to bad this year:D :cool:
if we get a group of 30 i can get a two dollar discount per ticket, actaully i’ll get us the $4 discount cause i can fuck with the system, plus i can get a scoreboard message (ex, welcome Pittspeed)

:bigok: :blue: :blue: :itr41: :itr41:

sweet id be down for that:cool:

Originally posted by Cutty
if we get a group of 30 i can get a two dollar discount per ticket, actaully i’ll get us the $4 discount cause i can fuck with the system, plus i can get a scoreboard message (ex, welcome Pittspeed)
so if I buy 30 tickets, I can get my own scoreboard message???like peweter:love: randy:tounge: :smiley:

Originally posted by P8NT-BALLAH
so if I buy 30 tickets, I can get my own scoreboard message???like peweter:love: randy:tounge: :smiley:
:rant: :rant: :rant: :reloading :mullet: :tool:

Originally posted by Pewterss
:rant: :rant: :rant: :reloading :mullet: :tool:
:rofl: :rofl: