Pittspeed Penguins Night this season???

Other thread I started about this got deleted, prolly in the wrong section but anyways im trying it again if its out of line it’ll get deleted again no biggie.

Anyways, I was thinking about the possibility of having a Pittspeed Pens night like we do the Pirates game deal? Any possibility of this just an idea.

that would be cool ive never been to a pens game

i think it would be hard to organize since getting group tickets would be hard

but i think its a cool idea

I would defiantly be up for that however planning it for a group would be difficult w/the ticket situation. Wonder if we contacted the Penguins if they have like group specials for 10/20 people?

that was the whole point of the thread to see if one of the Adminstrators woudl want to do something like this?

Chad, time to get off you lazy ass :slight_smile:

Beth and I will be down for sure 100%

sounds cool… not sure how tickets will be this year. I know they just cut off season tickets.

I went on there website and looks like group deals are for 20 or more.

grouptickets@pittsburghpenguins.com it said to email for additional information.

id be so in

I think we could manage 20 people but we would need some kind of deposit system because if we get flakers. Figure if 10 members go and each of us bring another person we’d be good.

im sure all involved would paypal to an account to buy tickets. for everyone else, go to hell

i agree

i would be

just think some people would bring guests so 20 wouldn’t be hard

im in for 2 to 4 myself. so 16-18 more.

we should spree for a luxury box!!!

2 here

i cant wait for this season!

im in for two, i dont think we’ll have any problems getting atleast 20

some pittspeed rep email!

whitey@pittspeed.com :slight_smile:

wtf… someone take the initiative bitches. I know how this will work, my ass will end up fronting the deposit and then losing money someway somehow.