i got a tattoo....

but guuuyyyyyys… I’m going to own my dsm foooooooreeeeeeever.


ehh…lots of newman humpers here. but +1 on him looking like a complete fruitcake in that pic.:gay:

this is going to get good for a while

you’d almost think he was trying to look gay in that pic

anyways, the tattoo’s not something i would do, but if it’s what you’re into that’s cool i guess :shrug:

man,if u didnt wantthe critisizm u shouldnt have posted…:retard:

i dont care about the critisizm. hell i only know a few of you guys, honestly my day is no diffrent because a few people i dont know dont think my tattoo was a good idea :bloated:

i just think its funny that he has the balls to make fun of people when theres pictures of him that look like that… :gay3:

and i know im a “nobody” on this site, and honestly dont care. you can hate all you want, its not like i can just rub it off to please you anyways :gotme:

you really feel the need to reaffirm your manhood at any and every chance possible, don’t you?

hahaha, I duno, I thought he was losing the thread until that point but :lol:

:word:, can we lock the thread now… tnick24’s post ended it already…



So you got a tattoo of a car company that sucks? That also make unreliable POS’s

I still have yet to see any DSMs around here that are quick and can make it atleast half a season with out blowing up…maybe Skapper is the exception.

tnick24 :tup: you got some balls

Don’t worry you can also get “Aint shit” after it…im sure Beck can help you pick out a flowery font for it.

As for hiding tattoos for a job etc. Tattoos are so popular now that companies are taking a different view of it. They don’t make as big a deal as they used to. I can see if he put it on his forehead but no big deal on the wrist. It can be hidden if he needs to. It’s not large anyway, no big deal. It’s his arm…

wow all you fags act like he ordered that tat to be on your arm… its his arm who cares lol


I have to agree with Nick about newman making posts about the appearance of others. newman really can’t comment on someone else’s appearance and be taken seriously, because his fashion is a joke and is meant to be attention grabbing, and faggy.


You should get the Toyota sumbol under it.

Yeah you’ll never win once all the bandwagon haters jump aboard. You’re better off not posting anything personal or anything that shows individuality on this forum :tup:

If you like it :tup:

I’ll speak my mind, tell you it looks dumb, and that I don’t like it, but I won’t hate you for it. Some people won’t let it die… and they will hold it against you. I’m not like that, if you have an ugly wrist, that doesn’t mean you can tell me about how good the newest movie was, or how to find out the CFM for my turbos.